Bacteria and Spirochetes
The mouth is home to countless microorganisms, the most common of which is probably Streptococcus mutans, but a single infected tooth often hosts dozens of different infectious organisms. Not all bacteria are pathogenic so some common sense is required when overgrowth or open wounds suggest the need for protective measures. When food is ingested or liquids are swallowed, some microorganisms will enter the gastrointestinal tract where most will be destroyed by stomach acids. However, complications can arise if pH levels are not correct or there are blisters, cuts, or other routes whereby microorganisms can enter the bloodstream. Certain types of bacteria can become dangerous if migrating from the mouth to the heart or brain. Therefore, extra precaution is warranted after an extraction or crown lengthening procedure or other dental interventions where there is bleeding. Likewise, gum infections, abscesses, and sore throats may require special attention so as to prevent infections from spreading. Unlike infections in certain parts of the body, oral infections lend themselves to both locally and systemic treatments. It goes without saying that both chronic and acute infections should be taken seriously so the approaches here should be regarded more or less as stop gap measures to be used until the condition can be properly treated by a health care professional.
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